Saturday, October 10, 2009

An Ode to You, In regards to "They"

And so it is...just like you said it would be. My life, in the space time the level called the now at a kind of a crossroads. Something out of a Sweet Valley High novel, or one of those chick flicks you get to follow the heroine in who Lindsay Lohan happens to play. Would I call this feeling close to being that cheesy? In respects to my highest self, I would have to say so. But I do have my low days...and the drama and emotional antics of my 21 year old self tend to get the better of me. Those that I love take the brunt of it, but hey, that's why "they" say you love them in the first place right? Because love wouldn't be love without frustrating the hell out of the loved one.
What about what "they" say anyway? And who and in what town did it get any success story to become successful, in regards to following what "they" say all of the time? "They" say that education is number one, that without it, you CAN'T achieve success. "They" say that when you do earn a degree, and you get a well paying job doing it, it doesn't matter how you FEEL about being in that job, as long as you have health benefits and dental. "They" say that without dieting pills, you must be on some kind of pill, or you're doomed. "They" say that without the right lipstick shade, you'll never find the right man. "They" said that women were not allowed rights, and neither were black people. "They" said that a black president was unheard of.
Well look at where "they" ended up.
And I am going to continue to challenge "them" and "they" and all of those champions who think that just because they can write something in a textbook, it makes it legit throughout the ages.
I won't even get into the last time that happened; with the Bible.

That is my rant blog today :)

Hurray for "they"! And all of the wonderful oppurtunities to make history.

Loving You World


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