Friday, November 2, 2012

We're All In This Together

Quite often as human beings equipped with an ego and its endless mind chatter, we miss the opportunity to become aware and present. That is, to be alive and in tune with our moment that is our everything. We get up, we make our breakfast, we brush our teeth, we get ready for our day ahead. We forget in the mundane routine of it all, that it's the little things that will run across the memory reel in our heads, as we lay them down to sleep on our death beds. When this vessel of a body ceases to serve us no more, we will remember the love we gave and the love we received. The shared moments of inspiration and enlightenment, of hope and encouragement. The timeless moments of first kisses and stolen glances from strangers and loved ones alike. The laughter and giggles of children that we may nurture or the ones that we are blessed to be surrounded by. That time you remembered what it felt like to fall in love with your reflection, the feeling of being proud of yourself for all you have accomplished. For knowing that who you are is of a worthy title and an existence that inspires your bloodline ahead. I know that before that day comes, today I have a choice. I am able and breathing to love and inspire and I plan on doing so in any way I can.
Today was one such day.
In between the craziness of holding two jobs and keeping creatively in tune with music, I too, remember the little things. One of those simple pleasures that I like to grant myself with is getting my nails done. I find it utterly fascinating and fun to be a woman. The trying on of different clothes that play up the shape of our bodies, or perhaps enjoying what it feels like to dance in our room with no clothes on at all, the lotions and perfumes to accent the sweetness of our skin, the mysteries lying beneath the lines of makeup we play with on our face. I love how playful and fun it can be! It feels very much in my nature to be feminine. And because of this, I fancy getting my nails done from time to time.
So today I decided I would go to a different salon than I normally go to. A lovely Vietnamese lady began helping me choose nail colours and so forth, and as soon as I sat down I knew that going to this new salon was for a reason. She began opening up to me about her life story and all that she has endured. She is a single mother raising three teenage children on her own. She explained to me how money is very tight for her when trying to raise a family by herself, and that she just began classes at a college in order to get a better paying job. She told me how she is nervous and scared because she is a first generation immigrant from Vietnam and her English isn't very good. She said she just hopes that she can pass the bare minimum atleast on her college exams, so that she can get a better job to support her family. She said that her kids are her everything and she has to do this for them and for herself.
It wasn't just the words that I heard, it was the strength and the courage in her voice. I could feel all of her emotions; her sadness from the divorce, her resentment and anger from knowing her ex has a new family and life and doesn't care to pay child support, her worry for her children and if they will grow up okay without a father figure, her anxiousness to move forward with her life, her excitement to do something outside of her comfort zone, her hope as every human hopes, that at the end of the day, everything will be alright.
When she finished telling me her story I looked her square in the eye and told her: "Your strength and your courage is incredible. Your kids are smart and they know this and see this. With or without a father, your example is enough for them to be the best they can be, as you are being the best you can be. You are on the right path."
I then went on to tell her that I have an educational background in teaching English as a second language. I would be willing to meet with her to tutor her if she needs help completing her courses, free of charge. She didn't want to accept this and I knew she wanted to re-pay me, so I had an idea and said: "I love Vietnamese food. I'd be happy to accept your cooking as pay!" She laughed and said she would love to cook for me.
While leaving the salon that day, I left her a generous tip and had to give her a long, warm hug. She was in tears and said that God was listening today. It was beautiful and sacred and I felt as though she was right, divine intervention had worked its magic and I knew I had made a new friend.
As I drove to my second job, I reminisced on where I come from; my own family heritage and history. On how my grandparents on my Mother's side were first generation immigrants from Indonesia. How they had very little money, knew very little English and knew almost nothing about the land and culture of Canada. They had nine children to feed, house and clothe, and worked hard for years doing everything from cleaning toilets to sewing clothes to make ends meet. Through all of this they still had this amazing capacity to love and to give. They would open up their small home, barely big enough for the eleven of them, to foster children and orphans who didn't have a home of their own. They would feed people who needed food by cooking bags of rice that they could buy for cheap and handing out bowls of warm rice to feed hungry bellies. My Mom even told me that people used to knock on their door and ask if their house was the Bingo Hall because there'd be so many cars parked outside and love and laughter and music emanated from the inside.
I thought of my Grandpa Moore on my Dad's side and his pioneering instincts. How his family was one of the first family's to settle in the B.C. area due to my Great Grandpa's need for adventure and faith in the world. How he always had very little growing up, but worked hard until the day he died to ensure his future generations would be okay. He even helped my parents build the first house I was born in at the age of 75, where upon my Dad told him it wasn't necessary and he should be resting at his age, but he insisted because he knew building it served an important purpose. If that isn't a Pioneer's Spirit, I don't know what is. My Grandpa also reaped the rewards of his hard work, but he wasn't one to hoard his money. What I remember most of my Grandpa was how much he gave. Whether it be a good cause like a charity of some kind, to a community event, to a family member who was struggling, he was always there with an open hand and wallet; at one point I remember people calling him the "Moore Bank" as he was always writing cheques and giving away his money to people in need.
Although the small act of kindness I experienced today was far and few between the greatness my ancestors have given, that same greatness is instilled in me. It is with the greatest honour that I remember their hard work, their spirit and their capacity to give. I would not have the luxuries I do today, if it weren't for their efforts and perseverance and by luxuries I include a Whole Lotta Love. I can only hope that one day I will be able to give in the same regard as they did, and to inspire those who need it most.
Today I take a step to be at my best, as I know the lady I met is doing the same. Together we walk hand in hand, and we nurture our right to be abundant and happy. Don't forget to look the next person you meet in the eye, and remind them of their beauty. After all, it's in the little things.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


More often than not, I think of you.
It's funny how it comes and goes.
But it's always there and it always knows,
we're flying somewhere in space and time
yeah we're together and we rhyme.
And the mind is such a powerful thing
the way it twists and turns
frets and sings
lines upon lines
and into parallels
like a fret board on a guitar.
Is this heaven or is this hell?
I can hear it's a little off she says,
so she fine tunes the off beat keys.
Playing by ear keeps her in focus,
she's kind of thrilled by the tease.
Everyday we're creating and dreaming
up something new.
Do you think of me?
Cuz I think of you.
And all this thinking and wondering
got me goin' a little bit crazy.
But that's okay darling
when it's right it's worth the waiting.
And it's like all these tiny conversations
create this bigger picture in my mind;
and then I get scared and think
is this all an illusion?
In reality are we really blind?
Am I everything I'm cracked up to be?
Are you everything you appear to be?
Are we building something of a catastrophe?
Is this even real to me...
Whoa. That's some mind blasting.
Russell Peters you said it dawg.
I can't even explain, but I'll try my best.
Just then she hears the beat of her heart...
it's deep breaths, deep breaths...
guiding lights, remembering
the music orchestrated in her being.
Yes, you passed the test.
I can see you peeking
around the corners of your box.
It's not like I'm really waiting
I'm just here open and unlocked.
There's no mystery, no fear to be
something unattainable in reality.
Convention keeps us locked in chains
I know the feeling, I know the drain.
Please rest your head, please hold your heart
I'm different than the reason you fell apart.
I've come full circle, I hope you'll see
and moreso that you'll feel,
that love is freedom
and it's realer than real.