Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It makes a Word of A Difference

Oh my first official Blog. Ever. Would you say the pressure is on? I would say, Nah...let us not judge ourselves or our words or the processes of our thoughts. This is what "blogging" is for is it not? Getting all that mind chatter out of your brains and allowing it all to flow somewhere freely. It's kind of funny the words that are in the "becoming" of our generation and generations to come. First we would have called something like this as simple as "writing." Back when the paper and the pencil was all there was. From there calligraphy was introduced and we came up with words like "handwriting" and "scripting" possibly even "scrawling" or "scribbling" when things got out of hand. And from things getting out of hand, we invented computers which then allowed us the novelty of "word processing" complete with spell check and those red and green squiggly lines that are just waiting to show up and annoy you while you wonder, how in the bejesus did i spell the word "colour" wrong? (after a conversation with my all-knowing father, American spelling: color, Canadian spelling: colour)
Oh the borders are even in the words. But then again, to put a positive spin on the perspective of me, i would say that in the spelling of both words, the fact that there is more than one, and they are both "spell-check correct" means that the right and the wrong in the spelling, in fact, don't exist! It's a free world again :) whew.
Anyway, now we have words like "e-mailing" and "blogging" and not only do these oppurtunities open up the efficiency of the act of writing, complete with quick and easy decor to add at a blog near you; more importantly, they allow the world to read the insides of you.
Whereas back in the day you would have all this stuff floating around in your mind, or perhaps just get a sudden cosmic urge to channel something, you would write it down, and perhaps a few would read it. If it was something remotely profound, and it had to be profound, you had to go through the process of finding a publisher to publish it and spend all this money without any guarantees that your book or piece of writing would even sell. And now, in this age, in this dimension, in this thing we call "time", we now have the absolute freedom to "jot" as much as we want, with as many spelling errors and slang as we want, N' we got somethin' real nice N' effin' gr8 to show the effin' world with nuthin' to stop us.
Anyway, the moral here is kids, that the fact that we have all of this technology allows us to have the blessing of connecting our hearts and not feeling so alone with the junk and more significantly, the beauty that makes us, well, Us.
We are presented with the oppurtunity to connect with another, all over this planet we call Earth, with the click of a keyboard key and then, the click of a button. So simple, yet so powerful. When you read someone else's blog and you think, yeah man. I can relate to that completely. Or, your heart may say something like: *sigh*...i needed that. Those are the kinds of things we as humans, and more importantly, spirits in these human bodies, need. Our spirits need the connection of others to re-affirm the connection that we have with ourselves.
Even me just typing this all out is re-affirming the connection I have with my essence, or what i like to call, my true self. The one that is without all of this mind chatter, and that just Knows.
So, as i begin this journey of what we now call "blogging" I now have the blessing of your hearts, and here is the blessing of mine in return.
Enjoy You! This is where You begin and end, all in the same moment :)

One Love! Have a wonderful day.